Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Week of Nov. 22nd

This week, we finally finished our video of "The Adventures of Robbie the Recycling Bin". Here is the link.

It's a really cheesy video but we had fun with it. Also, my partner Thad and I worked on our chapter reading. We had chapter 8 which is "Diagrams, Maps, and Webs." This was a pretty easy assignment, we went through the book and just pulled out important information. We then made it look really nice and it is currently on my website. Feel free to look at it!
Next week we have our collabrative blog, and website due. This should be fun. I'm excited to make another website! Have a good Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nov. 15th-19th

This week in class, we started working on our movie maker production. Since our project is recycling, we decided to use a recycle bin travel all over the world to see if everyone is recycling. Its a really neat project and I can't wait to see the finished product. We also just finished up out podcasts. They are both located on my website http://www.student.lhup.edu/tkoser/. We also got a chance to talk with Professor Hossain today through Skype. It was good hearing her voice again and it was great that she asked how we wer doing. I look forward to putting the final video of "Robbie the Recyling Bin" on my blog sometime next week.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nov 8th-12th

This week in lab, we finally finished up our collabrative concept map. It is now posted on our group blog. The link will be posted at the very end of this post. Also, I finally got my photostory done last week and you will be able to see it now. This week in the lab we started talking about Audacity and Movie Maker. I am familiar with Movie Maker because I used it in high school for projects. I am, however, interested working more with Audacity. It seems like a really cool program and I can't wait to start using it. My website is also starting to come together the way I want it to. If you are interested in seeing my website, the link will be at the end of the post along with the link to our collabrative blog.

http://teamblogedtf200.blogspot.com/- Link to collabrative blog (for collabrative concept map)